Exploring Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

How Having Your Tooth Replaced By A Dental Implant Can Benefit Your Oral Health And Your Wallet

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If you have had a tooth extracted, you may be tempted to leave the resulting empty space in your mouth. After all, you will be able to save money, right? That is not necessarily the case in the long run. Having your tooth replaced by a dental implant can be beneficial to your health and to your wallet. Here is how: Your Oral Health Jaw Bone Density The density of your jawbone is maintained by the renewal of bone cells. Read More»

Three Foods That Can Have You Smiling During Your Next Dental Checkup

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Visiting your dentist for a tooth cleaning and general checkup every six months is an important way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. In between visits, brushing, flossing and using mouthwash are ideal ways to maintain a healthy smile, but your diet can also play a role in promoting your oral health. While some foods can stain and otherwise damage your teeth, others can actually promote better oral health. It’s ideal to include these foods in your diet as much as possible. Read More»

Repairing Or Preventing Jaw Misalignment And Pain Due To Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

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If your child has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), or if you had it as a child, you should know that the disease often affects the jaw. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is one of the less severe forms of arthritis, as most children grow out of it. But it can still have devastating effects during the years that children suffer from it. If you or your child have experienced JRA, braces may be able to help mitigate the effects of the disease. Read More»

What To Know About Getting A Porcelain Crown For Your Front Tooth

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If you have a large cavity in your tooth, the dentist may not be able to put in a filling. There has to be enough healthy tooth left after the decay is removed to hold onto the filling. If a filling won’t work, your dentist will probably recommend getting a crown. A crown fits over your tooth like a cap. When you need a crown on a front tooth, the porcelain variety is usually the best choice because it looks natural. Read More»

4 Things Chemotherapy Patients Need To Know About Sialorrhea

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Sialorrhea, also known as hypersalivation, is a possible complication of chemotherapy. Here are four things chemotherapy patients need to know about sialorrhea. What are the signs of sialorrhea? If you develop sialorrhea, you’ll feel like you have too much saliva inside your mouth. You may have trouble swallowing this excess saliva, which leads to drooling. If you notice these symptoms, make sure to mention them to your oncologist. Your oncologist may refer you to a dentist for help managing your symptoms so that your chemotherapy treatment can continue. Read More»