Exploring Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

When to Seek the Help of an Emergency Dentist for Jaw Pain

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Experiencing jaw pain can be an unpleasant and often debilitating experience. While occasional discomfort may not necessarily require immediate attention, some cases require immediate assistance from an emergency dentist. This blog post will take a closer look at the signs and symptoms that indicate when a visit to the emergency dentist is necessary for jaw pain. Persistent Jaw Pain One of the most obvious signs that you need to seek the help of an emergency dentist for jaw pain is if the pain persists for an extended period of time. Read More»

A Guide to Dental Bridges: Reconstruct Your Smile with Confidence

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Dental bridges are a common dental treatment procedure used to replace one or more missing teeth. They are an excellent option if you are looking to enhance your smile and restore your confidence. Bridges can restore the aesthetics of your teeth, improve your ability to chew, and maintain the natural structure of your face. What are dental bridges? Dental bridges are essentially a structure that bridges the gap between missing teeth using crowns. Read More»

Benefits Of Using Implants To Support Dental Bridges

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Dental implants have many advantages over other types of tooth replacements that simply rest on the ridge of the gums. The devices are prosthetic dental roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support a false replacement tooth, dentures, or dental bridges. The surgical placement of implants is an outpatient procedure. After the surgery, an implant connects with the jawbone tissue through a healing process called osseointegration. As a result, the implant is as stable in the mouth as the natural roots of a tooth. Read More»

What Is Tooth Mobility, And Why Is It Affecting Your Dental Implant?

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Your dental implant treatment resulted in a deep placement of the titanium post. In order to support the prosthetic dental crown attached to it, the titanium portion of the implant must be entrenched in your jawbone. The alveolar ridge (the dense part of your jawbone that contains dental sockets) fused around the implant to hold it in position. The implant is buried and cannot break. Yet it may feel as though your implant has somehow broken when your prosthetic tooth becomes mobile. Read More»

How Does Fluoride Work To Keep Your Teeth Healthy?

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Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is widely used in dentistry to promote dental health and prevent tooth decay. It is commonly found in various sources, including water, soil, and certain foods. Fluoride works to benefit teeth in several ways, as listed below. Strengthening Tooth Enamel: Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel, which is the outer protective layer of the teeth. It enhances the remineralization process, where essential minerals such as calcium and phosphate are deposited back into the enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and acidic foods. Read More»