If your teenager is having a problem with bad breath and is embarrassed about the situation, then there are many things you can do to help improve their breath and restore their self-esteem. While it is very important that you visit your dentist to determine the root cause of the foul odors, here are some tips you can use at home to improve the situation while waiting for a dental appointment: Read More»
Children are often extremely active. Their level of activity will usually increase once you enroll them in sports. This can also contribute to an increased level of injuries, including tooth fractures. High-impact sports and other activities can result in a vertical root fracture. If your child develops a vertical root fracture, then it will look like a crack that appears at the base of their tooth near their gumline and dental pulp. Read More»
Each tooth in your mouth has an interior root canal system that carries important pulp material, containing nerve and tissue cells through your tooth to keep it alive. Infections and trauma can cause damage to the pulp and canal and put your tooth at risk of serious damage or tooth death. A root canal is a common dental procedure used to treat this type of damage.
Not every patient and dental situation is a good match for a root canal procedure. Read More»
Becoming a parent will require you to becoming familiar with the various pediatric health care needs your child will have. Unfortunately, it can be easy for parents to be relatively uninformed about these topics, and this may be especially true when it concerns dental issues. To make sure that you are prepared to keep your child’s smile looking as great as possible, it might be wise to understand the answers to a few basic pediatric dental care questions. Read More»
Having straight teeth is easily one of the most noticeable features of a person’s smile. On the other hand, there are a number of problems that can result in your teeth becoming misaligned. Luckily, these issues do not have to be a permanent embarrassment for you, as it is possible to correct these problems through the use of orthodontic treatments. If you have limited experience with these treatments, learning the reality about some common myths will give you a better understanding of this type of dental treatment. Read More»