Exploring Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

The Effects Of Sparkling Water On Your Oral Health

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You are probably aware of the fact that water is the best beverage you can consume when it comes to the health of your teeth, but have you wondered if sparkling water is a good alternative? Sparkling water is extremely popular today for people of all ages, but before you start consuming it, you should understand the effects it may have on your teeth and oral health. The problem with sparkling water Read More»

How To Take The Pain Out Of Dental Visits

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Trips to the dentist aren’t always something to dread. Obviously, some people are just so terrified of the sound of a dentist drill that they start to perspire as soon as they hear it. But dentists have become more and more patient-friendly. That is, they are more focused on delivering pleasant and painless service to their customers. But whenever you are in the dentist chair, you need to make sure you speak up for yourself. Read More»

How To Help Your Kids Develop Good Oral Care Habits

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Young children only know what they are taught, and even so, many young kids tend to be very independent in their thinking. Because of this, kids do not always understand the importance of good oral care habits, yet developing good habits is vital for the health of their teeth. If you want to instill good habits in your children, here are several ways you can do that. Set a good example for them Read More»

5 Reasons To Keep Up With Your Regular Dental Cleanings

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If you’re someone who doesn’t love medical appointments, you may be putting off your dental exams. Just like any other important medical appointment, it’s essential that you keep up with your dental cleanings and exams. They can help you better your dental life and avoid problems later on down the road. Keep reading to better understand why it’s important to keep up with regular dental cleanings. 1. Prevent Tooth Loss Read More»

3 Ways Ascorbic Acid Can Harm Dental Health

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If your diet meets the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C then you probably do not need to take ascorbic acid, or vitamin C supplements. If you take medications that inhibit the absorption of ascorbic acid or if you have certain health conditions, your ascorbic acid levels may become depleted.  In these instances, your health care provider may recommend that you take a vitamin C or ascorbic acid supplement. While ascorbic acid is essential to your health, taking large doses may have negative effects of your oral health. Read More»